Business Insider: The Best Fish Food Buying Guide

Business Insider’s buying guide ranked New Life Spectrum Thera+A as the best overall fish food for hobbyists. Check out the article:

Read Business Insider Fish Food Buying Guide

Article Excerpt:

Aquarium fish are a unique pet because they live in a self-contained environment and you can't directly interact with them. This being said, keeping a home aquarium offers a number of unique benefits over other pets. Having a home aquarium has been shown to reduce stress and lower blood pressure, plus you'll receive a certain sense of satisfaction from designing, creating, and cultivating a thriving aquatic ecosystem right in your own home.

Like any other pet, aquarium fish require a balanced diet in order to thrive. What many people do not realize is that different species have unique nutritional requirements. You can't just walk into a pet store, grab a can of fish food, and expect it to work for every species. Different species may require herbivorous, carnivorous, or omnivorous diets and you may also have to account for differences in terms of what level of the tank a particular species swims in.

We've done the research to determine the types of diets required by the most popular aquarium fish to bring you our top picks in each category.

The best fish food overall

New Life Spectrum Thera+A uses high-quality ingredients to feed a variety of freshwater and saltwater fish.

Many novice aquarium hobbyists make the mistake of thinking that all fish food is created equal. Not only do different species of fish have different nutritional needs, but different types of fish food offer different benefits. Our top pick for a high-quality fish food that meets the nutritional needs of a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater fish is New Life Spectrum Thera+A fish food.

This New Life Spectrum Thera+A formula combines the brand's high-density Spectrum Nutrition Formula with extra nutrients and healthy oils to nourish both freshwater and saltwater fish. Made with high-quality ingredients like whole Antarctic krill, whole fish, spirulina, and garlic, this recipe is nutritionally balanced and fortified to support the health, condition, and color of aquarium fish. Plus, it is easy to digest and comes in several different pellet sizes.

Fishtank Advisor includes New Life Spectrum Thera+A in its top 10 picks for the best fish food, commenting that the formula appeals to a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater fish, including cichlids. A review from Home Aquaponics System gives the formula a 4.5-star rating, commenting on its versatility and the fact that the pellets sink slowly enough to make them suitable for fish that swim at all levels of the aquarium.

Pros: Made from high-quality ingredients, easy to digest formula, fortified with color-enhancing nutrients, appeals to a wide variety of fish, suitable for freshwater and saltwater, pellets sink slowly, available in several different sizes

Cons: May need to buy different sizes for different fish, may not appeal to fish used to a flake food diet, may cloud tank water if overfed